WOMEN AND NEW MEDIA To create a blog of blogs

Financed by the Euro-Mediterranean Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures (ALF) and by Canal France International, this training project has been led by CFI in partnership with COPEAM, the Bibliotheca

Alexandrina and the Lebanese newspaper L’Orient le Jour.

An innovative and trans-national action that opens up to the civil society, since it allows the access of young women working in the Media sector to the new technologies through the creation of a “blog of women”: a virtual place of intercultural dialogue, of research and of exchanges devoted to women, managed by women and referred…


The pilot phase of TERRAMED – satellite promotional window of the Mediterranean-oriented programmes by EPTV (Algeria), France Télévisions (France), Télévision Tunisienne (Tunisia), Rai News 24/RAIMED (Italy), RTVE (Spain), and Eutelsat/Skylogic as technical partner -will start up in April: one hour of programming every day (11 a.m. – 12 a.m. GMT+2) on RaiMed satellite channel, shared by the 5 partner broadcasters and devoted to selected programmes on culture, art, history, traditions, economy, tourism, food, environment, to be promoted in the whole Euro-Mediterranean region. This experimentation aims at consolidating the partnership settled around an innovative TV product that fulfils the aim of…

ASBU/UER/COPEAM tripartite meeting 2007

In the framework of the 27th ordinary session of ASBU General Assembly, the Tripartite meeting ASBU/UER/ COPEAM took place.

During the meeting, the common initiatives the three organizations carry out in different fields have been discussed: in particular, training (the master class addressed to the news coordinators; the 3rd edition of the seminar on“TV formatswriting and production”, organized in Damascus atASBUTraining Center; the 4th edition of COPEAM University); news exchange (ERN MED); radio (“Portraits of Legendary Footballers”) and TV co-productions (“Inter-Rives”) aboutwhichM.SlaheddineMaaoui, DG of ASBU, expressed his satisfaction and pointed out the importance of its broadcasting,…

ASBU/UER/COPEAM tripartite meeting 2007

In the framework of the 27th ordinary session of ASBU General Assembly, the Tripartite meeting ASBU/UER/ COPEAM took place.

During the meeting, the common initiatives the three organizations carry out in different fields have been discussed: in particular, training (the master class addressed to the news coordinators; the 3rd edition of the seminar on“TV formatswriting and production”, organized in Damascus atASBUTraining Center; the 4th edition of COPEAM University); news exchange (ERN MED); radio (“Portraits of Legendary Footballers”) and TV co-productions (“Inter-Rives”) aboutwhichM.SlaheddineMaaoui, DG of ASBU, expressed his satisfaction and pointed out the importance of its broadcasting,…

The first edition of Sea&TV, the Euro-Mediterranean Festival of TV formats dedicated to the
Sea, took place in La Maddalena Isle, from the 26th to the 29th September 2007.
The event has been promoted and organised by EB Communication, an Italian production society,
member of COPEAM since 2007.

COPEAM has granted its engagement in encouraging its members’ participation in the Festival, by promoting it throughout an information campaign, and in organising an international roundtable titled “A blue-painted TV programming.

From breaking news to infotainment” about the role that broadcasters and…

The first edition of Sea&TV, the Euro-Mediterranean Festival of TV formats dedicated to the
Sea, took place in La Maddalena Isle, from the 26th to the 29th September 2007.
The event has been promoted and organised by EB Communication, an Italian production society,
member of COPEAM since 2007.

COPEAM has granted its engagement in encouraging its members’ participation in the Festival, by promoting it throughout an information campaign, and in organising an international roundtable titled “A blue-painted TV programming.

From breaking news to infotainment” about the role that broadcasters and…

Organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, the 5th edition of this international meeting was focused on the topic «The new ways of integration ».

On the 16th July, two plenary sessions gathered high-level institutional personalities – such as Romano
Prodi, Italian Prime Minister, Franco Frattini, Vice-president of the European Commission, and Ahmed Nazif, Egyptian Prime Minister – and representatives of the economy, trade, financial
and communication sectors of the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Habib Chawki Hamraoui, as President of ASBU and COPEAM, participated in the session
«The networks’ settlement and the…

Organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, the 5th edition of this international meeting was focused on the topic «The new ways of integration ».

On the 16th July, two plenary sessions gathered high-level institutional personalities – such as Romano
Prodi, Italian Prime Minister, Franco Frattini, Vice-president of the European Commission, and Ahmed Nazif, Egyptian Prime Minister – and representatives of the economy, trade, financial
and communication sectors of the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Habib Chawki Hamraoui, as President of ASBU and COPEAM, participated in the session
«The networks’ settlement and the…


COPEAM has collaborated to the project “Open Sky Europe” – financed by the European Commission and implemented by UNINETTUNO Telematic University – through a TV spot broadcast by several televisions members of COPEAM: JRTV/Jordan, PBC/Palestine, RAIMED/Italy, ENTV/Algeria, ERTU/Egypt. The spot has also been sent on the Mediterranean Regional News Exchange (ERN-Med).

With the aim of promoting, within the Euro- Mediterranean region, the information concerning
the European Union and its economic, social and cultural relationships with the MEDA countries, the “Open Sky Europe” project proposes an e-learning formula of University Master focused on the topic: the European Culture….