Venice, 25 November 2011

The 2011 edition of VINC, the annual all-news channels meeting organized by COPEAM, Rai-News and Rai Venezia, in collaboration with Eutelsat, was held in Venice (Palazzo Labia), on the 25th November 2011.

This edition was focused on the topic “The 21st century challenges: Black Gold, Blue Gold…White Gold”: a growing number of news operators, distribution platforms and content providers are shaping the new-century global media landscape. In this complex and changing environment, information is a more and more strategic asset, a new kind of “gold” moving both economic and…

Euromed-News closing press conference

"Another Mediterranean is possible" will be the common thread of the Euormed-News press conference, organized in media partnership with AGI, to be held in Rome on 17th February 2011 at the European Commission Representation in Italy, “Natali” room, via IV Novembre 149.

27th November 2010
Palazzo Labia ‐ Sede Rai

The all‐news channels meeting was launched in 2005 as an occasion for the main information players to gather and exchange views. Organized by COPEAM (network of the Euro‐Mediterranean audiovisual operators), RaiNews24 and Rai Venezia, in 2007 this rendez‐vous chose the City of Venice as its premises and becomes VINC – Venice International News Conference, thanks to the collaboration of the Venetian local institutions.

VINC 2010 edition ‐ “Global fears, global hopes”

Global fears, global hopes: in an even more connected and inter‐dependent world,…

27th November 2010
Palazzo Labia ‐ Sede Rai

The all‐news channels meeting was launched in 2005 as an occasion for the main information players to gather and exchange views. Organized by COPEAM (network of the Euro‐Mediterranean audiovisual operators), RaiNews24 and Rai Venezia, in 2007 this rendez‐vous chose the City of Venice as its premises and becomes VINC – Venice International News Conference, thanks to the collaboration of the Venetian local institutions.

VINC 2010 edition ‐ “Global fears, global hopes”

Global fears, global hopes: in an even more connected and inter‐dependent world,…

Lancement d’euronews en persan

Ce service constitue la dixième version d'euronews. Grâce à ses 10 services linguistiques près de 3 milliards de personnes peuvent désormais comprendre euronews, ce qui représente 44% de la population mondiale.

Lyon, France 19 octobre 2010 – Le nouveau service d'euronews en persan sera lancé en avant-première sur le site internet dès le mercredi 20 octobre à 19h30 CET (21h00 à Téhéran) et 24 heures sur 24 à l'antenne le mercredi 27 octobre à 19h30 CET.

Ce lancement fait suite à l'appel d'offres de l'Union européenne remporté par euronews et au contrat…

Before starting the home stretch of Euromed-News, the project partners met in Amman on the 6 and 7 July, upon the invitation of the JRTV, in order to make a joint final appraisal of the activities carried out in this framework. On the same occasion, a press conference was co-organised by the project leader France Télévisions and the Jordanian television to announce the outcomes achieved.

Read the outline of the press conference for the Euromed-News project.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day (8 March), UNESCO join forces with international and regional media organizations to launch the annual Women Make the News (WMN) initiative. Under the theme, “Towards Gender Sensitive Indicators for Media: Best practices for gender perspective in media and in media content”, WMN 2010 is intended to initiate a global exchange on the importance and the need for gender sensitive indicators for media organizations.

For more information about the initiative visit the Women Make the News website
Click here to see all the partners of the initiative

It’s Marseilles which welcomes the 14th International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary and News Film, organised by CMCA in partnership with RAI, from the 9th to the 14th December 2009.

Two juries will judge the 36 documentaries, news films and television magazines which have been selected from amongst 300 works received.

Presided by the Egyptian writer Alaa al-Aswani, internationally well-known for his book “The Yacoubian Building”, the documentary jury will award five prizes: “Mediterranean Stakes”, “Mediterranean Memory”, “First Work”, “Mediterranean Art, Culture and Heritage”, and the “Special Jury” award.

The second jury, headed byDaniel Psenny…