COPEAM is partner – together with the broadcasing unions ASBU, AUB, CBU and with URTI – of the Global Media Peace Awards, an initiative aimed to encourage and support peace-building efforts on a global scale. These awards will recognize the most innovative and remarkable radio, video/television and digital programs/ contents/ stories focused on conflict prevention and resolution.


  • Encourage media journalists and producers to promote peace and sustainable development through innovative media programs highlighting the significance of peace keeping, conflict prevention and conflict resolution.
  • Inspire the general public, young people in particular, about the importance of peace-making,…

Türkiye’s public broadcaster TRT introduced its new digital news platform during the TRT – Spanish Speaking Countries 1st Broadcasting Summit

 TRT – Spanish Speaking Countries 1st Broadcasting Summit and Launch Ceremony of TRT Español platform took place in Istanbul on 25-26 April 2024.

Hosted by Turkish Radio Television Corporation (TRT), the event had the theme Mapping Broadcasting Strategies for Türkiye and Spanish Speaking Countries in the Digital Age”. It saw a wide participation from prominent Latin American ambassadors, executives and journalists from 18 Spanish speaking countries including Spain, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina,…

Advancing Diversity & Inclusion in Journalism

COPEAM has been granted a new funding from the European Union, as partner of a consortium led by C.A.R.E.S – Osservatorio di Pavia and composed also by Fondazione Diversity Ets, Fundación para la Diversidad and International Federation of Journalists. Under the ERASMUS+ Small-scale program, “Advancing Diversity & Inclusion in Journalism” recently launched as a project to explore concrete ways of promoting diversity and inclusion values in newsrooms’ culture and practices, starting from the increasingly clear and shared assumption that without diverse and inclusive teams, newsrooms would miss out on critical viewpoints, perspectives and voices.

The action…

Rome, 19/20 February 2024

The 2nd workshop of peer-to-peer program on portrayal of women and men in political coverage was held in Rome on 19 and 20 February hosed by Rai-Radiotelevisione italiana.

During 2 intense days of work, the representatives of 6 public service broadcasters and 6 journalist unions exchanged about challenges, priorities, and progress in implementing the strategies each of them drafted following the 1st meeting held in Madrid last November.

The production of guidelines for editorial staff intended to avoid stereotypes, the organization of training modules for various professional profiles, the…

Next gen & Media literacy: fostering awareness and critical thinking among youth

Naples, 18-19 April 2024

In consideration of the rapid advancements in technology and the enormous proliferation of information sources, individuals – especially youth – are called today to develop adequate critical skills to navigate the global media landscape. Media literacy activities/policies can highly contribute to reduce the risks of disinformation, empowering citizens to make informed decisions, participate actively in the digital community and favour a more democratic society.

Starting from this assumption, COPEAM decided to devote its 2024 Conference to the topic…

Every week, Sardinia, Sicily and Corsica meet thanks to Mediterradio, the voice of islands.

Half an hour of immersion in news and culture, a program created in 1997 and hosted today by Vito Biolchini from Cagliari, Adélaïde Costa in Palermo and Jérôme Susini in Ajaccio. Mediterradio continues its mission to bring the large islands of the Western Mediterranean into dialogue on issues of great importance, such as those related to the environment, Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, identity and minority languages. A place of exchange and growth, for a rapprochement between different realities which, in recent years, has also…

TRT, established on May 1st 1964, was set up as an autonomous public organization, bringing a public and institutional identity to radio and television broadcasting in Turkey.
TRT currently has 9 channels: TRT-1 (24-hour generalist channel); TRT-2 (news/information, art and culture); TRT-3 (timeshares with TV-G.A.P which provides broadcasts in the southeastern Anatolia region as well as parliamentary proceedings and sports events); TRT-4 (music, documentary); TRT-5 (Anatolian channel, in test transmission), TRT-6 (generalist channel in Kurdish language); TRT-Cocuk (children’s channel); TRT-Avaz (Channel for the Turkic World) and TRT-TURK (World News). All 9 channels broadcast over of 1140 hours of…

Madrid, 8-9 November 2023

Is there a difference in how women and men politicians are portrayed in news content? What does this difference depend on? And what strategies and tools can be adopted for a real change?

These are some of the issues addressed by 6 Public Service Broadcasters and 6 Journalists Unions during the first workshop of a peer-to-peer program organised in Madrid on 8-9 November and hosted by the Spanish union CC.OO.

The event, coordinated by COPEAM, is part of the EU- funded project “Rewriting the story”, which promotes gender equality in…

The 60th General Assembly Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) took place in Seoul, South Korea, from October 31 to November 1, 2023. The ABU is the world’s largest broadcasting union, comprising 246 members from 65 countries, serving 3.5 billion viewers – more than half of the world’s population-.

In the presidential elections held at the General Assembly meeting hosted by the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS), TRT* Director General Prof. Mehmet Zahid Sobacı has been elected new President of the ABU.

TRT’s presence and influence within the ABU have been substantial, serving as a member of the Administrative Council—the…