Conversano (Italy), 18-24 September 2023

In the framework of the 19th edition of the Lector in Fabula festival, dedicated this year to the theme “The Measure of the World”, Secretary General Claudio Cappon appeared as a panellist in the session “Global South. The world to come.”

The upheaval of global – demographic, economic, technological, etc. – balances and, in particular, those between the West and what we call the Global South or Third World, constitutes in fact a crucial element for imagining the world to come and for reflecting on the challenge that awaits us, particularly…

Kantara, the weekly Mediterranean radio programme, has just successfully completed its 24th season, rich in news and topics with a cross-regional and transnational approach.

Each week, the co-producers from the 6 partner radio stations (Radio Cairo, France Bleu RCFM, RTCI Tunisie, Chaine Inter, Radio Liban 96.2, Radio Exterior de España) joined forces to showcase the cultural diversity of the Mediterranean basin, provide information on major social issues, raise environmental questions and awareness, and share the exceptional common heritage that unites us all. 

In total, it’s 42 issues that you can find on the COPEAM…

This Special Prize has been established within the Prix Italia to award public broadcasters’ TV, radio and web best programmes on sustainable development, food security, climate change, with the aim of raising awareness about these topics and promote an inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

June 25 was the 2023 edition’s deadline for submitting the candidatures.

During the summer, the jury will select 3 finalist works whose authors/directors will be invited to Bari (Italy) to attend the RAI’s Prix Italia event (2 – 6 October). The winning work will be announced during the award ceremony…

This EU-funded project brings together an IFJ-led consortium – which includes the University of Padova and COPEAM – to deliver a two-year programme aimed at developing journalists, media students and public broadcasters’ skills on political reporting with a gender lens, thus contributing to build a gender-equal newsroom culture.

The first outcome of the action is a number of research projects carried out by students from the University of Padova and focusing the gender portrayal of politicians in the media. The complexity of the issue was highlighted by different perspectives, such as the coverage of transgender, the…

The ARAB STATES BROADCASTING UNION (ASBU) will be organizing the 23rd edition of the ASBU Radio & TV Festival & Convention, under the slogan “Celebrating Arts and Culture” in the City of Culture, Tunis, during the period 12-15 June 2023, in partnership and cooperation with the Tunisian Ministry of Culture, the Tunisian Radio and TV Corporations and the Arab Satellite Communications Organization (ARABSAT).

This keynote media and cultural event is widely attended by representatives of ASBU member corporations, private Arab production companies, news agencies, foreign Arabic – speaking radio and TV broadcasters, private radio and television…

As part of the European Excellence Exchange in Journalism (E³J) project, Free Press Unlimited, jointly with consortium partners, is inviting independent journalists and news media in Europe to apply for small production grants for cross-border stories on climate change, migration and public health.

Deadline 29 May 2023

Read here the full call

Belgrade (Serbia), 20-22 February

From 20 to 22 February 2023, an international group of journalists with prior experience on reporting migration gathered in Belgrade, Serbia, for a three-day capacity building action. The workshop was organized by COPEAM in the framework of the EU co-funded project E3J – European Excellence Exchange in Journalism (Creative Europe Programme – CREA) and with the intention of fostering cross-border collaboration.

The 20 participants included media professionals in the field of news reporting, photography, video production, radio or multimedia, working for public broadcasters, newspapers, or as freelance journalists coming from 9 countries:…

2023 UNESCO World Radio Day: Radio and Peace

On the occasion of the World Radio Day 2023, as a member of the Organizing Committee set up by UNESCO, COPEAM renewed its involvement in promoting the event among its members, in particular by the co-production of special programs for the weekly radio magazines Kantara and Mediterradio.

This edition – devoted to the theme “Radio and Peace” – was also an opportunity to record a new issue of Mezzé, the online meeting with the Mediterranean press, and to underline the natural ability of radio to promote dialogue between peoples. Mr. Tawfik Jelassi, Assistant Director-General for Communication…

Digital Cultures and New Audiovisual Languages

The 30th COPEAM annual Conference on “Digital Cultures and new Audiovisual Languages” took place in Montpellier from 26 to 28 of April, organized in partnership with Radio France and the City of Montpellier.

The opening ceremony started with the greetings of Michael Delafosse, Mayor of Montpellier, of the Claudio Cappon, Secretary General of COPEAM, and of Charles-Emmanuel Bon, Secretary General of Radio France, who welcomed the more than 200 participants, among which delegates from public broadcasters, journalists and operators of the audiovisual and cultural sectors.

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