Ten years after the Barcelona Declaration, the European Commission, the City of Marseille and their partners proposed to hold a conference, where professionals from the audiovisual domain from both sides of the Mediterranean basin could discuss the role of the media in Euro-Mediterranean dialogue. This conference has taken place within the framework of a series of three major events focusing on
this subject in Jordan, Marseille and Barcelona.
Their findings have been presented to the Heads of States and Government at the Barcelona Summit of November 2005.
The four round tables were focused on…

The first Regional Conference of EUROMED Audiovisual II Programme, financed by the European Commission, took place on 10th and 11th February 2007 in Berlin, in the framework of the Berlin International Film Festival.

A preliminary workshop, held on 8th and 9th February, was devoted to the “Fight against piracy” and gathered important authorities of the audiovisual sector from both MEDA countries and Europe. The Conference, held in the two following days, was focused on the results achieved by the 12 projects financed by the Programme one year after their beginning, on market and financial strategies as…

COPEAM and EBU have taken part for the second consecutive year – also thanks to the fruitful collaboration developed with ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union) – in the opening session of the Information Ministers’ Council of the Arab League’s countries, that has been held in Cairo on the 19 June, 2008.

"Arab League, Cairo 19-06-08

Mr. Chairman,
Honorable Ministers,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear Colleagues and Friends,

Participating again in such a high level meeting is at the same time a great…

The Paris Summit that, on the 13th July, has gathered 43 Euro-Mediterranean Heads of State and Government to launch the Union for the Mediterranean, has been closed with the adoption of a joint Declaration: it fixes the common future main targets and areas of intervention in the Mediterranean region. De-pollution, maritime and land highways, civil protection, alternative energies, higher education and research, business development represent the pillars on which setting up a urgent joint work strategy. As far as the socio-cultural domain is concerned, also thanks to the action carried out by COPEAM in the previous months and concluded with…

Final resolution addressed to the Euro-Mediterranean Heads of State and Government Cairo (Egypt) – 19 April 2009

We, members of the Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM), which includes the great majority of the Mediterranean audiovisual professionals as well as experts and eminent personalities from the cultural and media world, share the ambition to consolidate and deepen the exchanges between the States and the peoples of the Mediterranean basin.

We support the determination of the Heads of State and Government to convey the aspirations of the peoples who share the…



COPEAM Secretary General took part in the session “Making climate knowledge accessible: Networks and available resources” of the "Broadcast & Climate Change" UNESCOConference.

The session was focused on the opportunities that international partnerships and exchanges can create for broadcasters to improve their capacity of delivering information about climate and environment. Participants presented their experience in this area and outlined the possibility of sharing relevant contacts, knowledge, and rights free content on climate change.

See the Conference programme
Watch the Conference webcast page

Cairo, 23rd, June 2010
The launch of the Mediterranean TV channel project, the promising results of the cooperation between COPEAM and ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union): two main topics in the COPEAM Secretary General speech at the opening of the 43rd ordinary session of the Council of the Arab Information Ministers.

Many important topics related to the common Arab media action were handled in the debates of the 43rd ordinary session of the Council of the Arab Information Ministers organized in Cairo, on 23rd June 2010.

The Secretary General of the Arab League, Mr….

Before starting the home stretch of Euromed-News, the project partners met in Amman on the 6 and 7 July, upon the invitation of the JRTV, in order to make a joint final appraisal of the activities carried out in this framework. On the same occasion, a press conference was co-organised by the project leader France Télévisions and the Jordanian television to announce the outcomes achieved.

Read the outline of the press conference for the Euromed-News project.

27th November 2010
Palazzo Labia ‐ Sede Rai

The all‐news channels meeting was launched in 2005 as an occasion for the main information players to gather and exchange views. Organized by COPEAM (network of the Euro‐Mediterranean audiovisual operators), RaiNews24 and Rai Venezia, in 2007 this rendez‐vous chose the City of Venice as its premises and becomes VINC – Venice International News Conference, thanks to the collaboration of the Venetian local institutions.

VINC 2010 edition ‐ “Global fears, global hopes”

Global fears, global hopes: in an even more connected and inter‐dependent world,…