COPEAM has won an EU funding as partner of a consortium composed by the IFJ – International Federation of Journalists (leading partner) and the University of Padua, in the framework of the “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme​​” (CERV).

This project will address obstacles to equal representation of women and men in politics and will involve stakeholders such as media managers, journalists’ unions and associations, gender equality specialists, academics and students in communication and journalism.

 The project is structured into 4 key activities:

  • Data collection and research related to gender, media…

COPEAM & the Union for the Mediterranean

The cooperation links with this intergovernmental body have been further consolidated in the recent months.

In the framework of the 5th High-Level Conference on Women for the Mediterranean, held in Madrid on 26 and 27 October, COPEAM contributed to the panel devoted to “Media and Gender Equality”, through the participation of experts from our network, who – together with other outstanding speakers – critically questioned the role of the media industry in creating gender values ​​and the misrepresentation of women in media content.        
On that occasion, the Ministers in charge of gender equality…

E3J EU-funded project

Under the lead of Reporters without Borders (RsF), COPEAM is partner in the project European Excellence Exchange in Journalism (E3J), co-funded by the Creative Europe programme on journalism partnerships.

The project aims to promote sector-wide, cross-border collaboration between news media professionals in Europe, to stimulate sharing of best practices for collaborative business transformation, to encourage journalistic collaboration by developing standards, new business models, training programmes and other activities intended to uphold quality journalism.

The consortium – composed by RsF, COPEAM, Free Press Unlimited (FPU), the Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) and its leading Austrian…

Bari, 3-8 October 2022

COPEAM took part in the 74th edition of Rai’s Prix Italia in Bari (Italy). The Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General were Jury members respectively of the Prix Italia-Ifad-Copeam Special Prize and of the one in honour of the President of the Italian Republic.

The Juries of the Special Prizes[1] awarded the following works:

Sarayaku (France Télévisions, France), winner of the PRIX ITALIA-IFAD-COPEAM special prize.

The Jury particularly appreciated the storytelling of this film that reflects the life of a local community that could…

Media and global instabilities: what contribution to peace?

24th June 2022 – SOFIA

Hosted by BNT – Bulgarian National Television

The 29th Conference of COPEAM, dedicated to “Media and global instabilities: what contribution to peace?” and organized in partnership with the Bulgarian public television BNT, took place on June 24 in Sofia.

Prof. Hussein Amin, Director of the Kamal Adham Center for Television & Digital Journalism at the American University in Cairo, introduced the topic with a particular focus on the possible contribution of the media to the peacebuilding processes. The…

The 9th edition of “Inter-Rives”, the long standing TV coproduction promoted by COPEAM and ASBU, was recently launched. Through a call for participation spread in February 2022, public broadcasters from the two networks have been invited to join the project and take part in two professional workshops for the production – by each of them – of one documentary of 13’ on the main series’ topic. 

The first workshop will be hosted by COPEAM in Rome (May 2022) and the final one by ASBU in Tunis (February 2023), gathering the group of selected film-directors and the…

The 2021/2022 of the e-learning course for journalists “Reporting climate change was achieved in January 2022, with 15 graduates from Africa, the Balkans and the MENA region.

The course  – aimed at raising awareness among journalists and news professionals about the current climate challenges and at increasing their reporting skills in this field – was made possible thanks to the renewed financial support of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and to the technical partnership of the international Telematic University Uninettuno, a leading institution in the field of the e-learning.

Besides the main lessons on the…

28th annual Conference of COPEAM

Media narratives for intercultural and interreligious dialogue”

27 October 2021

The 28th Conference of COPEAM – devoted to “Media narratives for intercultural and interreligious dialogue” and organized in collaboration with Rai-Radiotelevisione Italiana – took place online on October 27, with the participation of professionals and international delegates from across the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The President of Rai Marinella Soldi opened the works with a welcome address, followed by a message from the Assistant Director-General of UNESCO for Social and Human Sciences, Ms. Gabriela Ramos, and a general introduction by José…