In preparation of the Mediterranean Forum, taking place in Marseille from 4 to 7 April 2013, the Anna Lindh Foundation organised a meeting in Barcelona (Spain) on the 1st and 2nd March. More than 70 journalists, professionals and civil society representatives gathered in the setting of the Palau de Pedralbes to discuss issues concerning the changes in the media sector.

The goal of the event was to elaborate new and innovative strategies and practices, to guarantee press freedom and the role of journalists in reporting the ongoing events, notably the consequences of the Arab Spring in…

Launch of the website

Med-Mem “Sharing our Mediterranean audiovisual heritage”. The largest video library of Mediterranean online archives

With some 4000 audiovisual documents available to the public free of charge, Med-Mem – co funded by the European Union as part of the Euromed Heritage IV programme – is the largest online video archive library devoted to the historic, cultural and tourism heritage of the Mediterranean.

Read the press release

Read the information dossier

More info about the project

COPEAM at…FIDMarseille

In the framework of the 23rd International Film Festival of Marseille – FIDMarseille – COPEAM was invited to participate in the FIDLab – a professional platform for co-production support – as well as in the Festmed round table, one of the events of the festival Mediterranean Meetings.

The FIDLab was the occasion to present TERRAMED Plus, Joussour and Inter-Rives during an international panel devoted to funding opportunities and coproduction platforms.
Moreover, COPEAM took part in individual pitching sessions devoted to some Euro-Mediterranean film projects in order to figure out…

COPEAM at…FIDMarseille

In the framework of the 23rd International Film Festival of Marseille – FIDMarseille – COPEAM was invited to participate in the FIDLab – a professional platform for co-production support – as well as in the Festmed round table, one of the events of the festival Mediterranean Meetings. The FIDLab was the occasion to present TERRAMED Plus, Joussour and Inter-Rives during an international panel devoted to funding opportunities and coproduction platforms. Moreover, COPEAM took part in individual pitching sessions devoted to some Euro-Mediterranean film projects in order to figure out possible ways of promotion and support to…

The World Press Freedom Day 2012 was celebrated in Tunis, on the occasion of the annual Conference of UNESCO.
COPEAM was invited to this conference participating in the session devoted to the development of the public service broadcasting in transitional times.

The Secretary General Mr. Pier Luigi Malesani, highlighted the importance to establish sure and democratic rules for the governance of the public broadcasters and the transparency of the financing if they are privatized.

Moreover, he underlined the necessity to redefine the relationship between media and citizens, notably by widening citizens’…

The World Press Freedom Day 2012 was celebrated in Tunis, on the occasion of the annual Conference of UNESCO.
COPEAM was invited to this conference participating in the session devoted to the development of the public service broadcasting in transitional times.

The Secretary General Mr. Pier Luigi Malesani, highlighted the importance to establish sure and democratic rules for the governance of the public broadcasters and the transparency of the financing if they are privatized.

Moreover, he underlined the necessity to redefine the relationship between media and citizens, notably by widening citizens’…

COPEAM was invited by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia (Italy) – international relations and cooperation branch “Reggio nel Mondo” – to participate in the event “Brain runner. Internet, multimedia re-use and participative culture” organized from the 20th to the 28th April in Reggio Emilia. This event was focused on innovation and new cross-media languages in the education and information fields, in the organization of citizen services and in the territory governance. In this framework, COPEAM was asked to coordinate the two-day workshop “Mind the differences” (27-28 April), representing the final step of a project carried out…

Marrakesh, 29th March -1st April 2012 

Changes in the Euro-Mediterranean societies: the Media on the move 

The 19th annual Conference of COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators), which took place at the Palais des Congrès of Marrakesh upon invitation of the Moroccan public broadcaster (SNRT) and in media-partnership with Babel TV on the theme “Changes in the Euro-Mediterranean societies: the Media on the move”, was officially opened by the Minister of Communication and spokesperson of the Moroccan government, Mustapha EL KHALFI.
During the three working sessions, a panel of experts from the media and the audiovisual sectors…