In the framework of the 5th edition of the 2021 ERN-MED Prize devoted to “Media and Science: the importance of reliable information in the face of false news“, the SNRT has been awarded for the best news item of the Mediterranean News Exchange (ERN-Med) – “COVID19 Fighting fake news” – assigned by COPEAM with the support of UNESCO.

The winning short report, produced by the journalist Mariam Benzekri, deals with the phenomenon of the spread of false information during the Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on public health and safety, highlighting an associative and citizen media…

Your weekly rendezvous on the airwaves of the 7 partner radio stations offers a crossed and shared interpretation of the Mediterranean news, with free-subject or thematic numbers, special recordings and guest radio stations.

This season has been marked by special issues devoted to international events and innovative partnerships which can be found – on demand – on COPEAM’s SoundCloud page.

  • Kantara #26: “Passerelles Sonores” with Ancrages and the MUCEM

A special episode dedicated to the project “Passerelles Sonores”, a series of podcasts created by the Marseille association Ancrages and the Mucem, and produced by Urban Prod.       

The first two sessions of the participative training on “Gender Equality in the Media” – funded by the Council of Europe through the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe – took place on-line between February and March 2021.

The kick-off meeting was organised on February 17 in synergy with the UNESCO’s UniTWIN Network on Gender Media and ICT. On that occasion, a wide range of relevant resources and good practices regarding gender equality in the media was presented. Participants had the opportunity to work in groups and discuss the potential applications of these resources to…

9th February 2021

Organized under the aegis of the Arab States Broadcasting Union, an international meeting took place online on February 9, gathering the main representatives of ASBU, EBU (European Broadcasting Union), AUB (African Union of Broadcasting) and COPEAM, with the participation of a large number of common members.

The participants presented the activities developed in the past months and the forthcoming initiatives in the training, coproduction and news domains.

A particular focus was made on the fruitful collaboration between EBU and ASBU Academies that will continue with at least 4 e-masterclasses in 2021;…

Despite the general health situation, the two weekly radio co-productions carried out under the aegis of COPEAM confirm their exceptional longevity and their anchorage in the Mediterranean media landscape: the start of the 2020 season coincides with the beginning of the 22nd year of Kantara and already the 9th of Mediterradio.

Kantara, the weekly magazine in French language co-produced by 7 Mediterranean public radios, proposes every week reports and/or guests from both shores of the Mediterranean dealing with social, current affairs and regional cultural issues, with the mission to strengthen bridges between the peoples of our…

COPEAM developed a new training activity funded by the Council of Europe through the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, with the aim of covering the topic of sexist stereotypes and gender equality in the Media in both Europe and South-Mediterranean countries.

The training was structured as follows:

A training module composed of 5 biweekly sessions on different aspects of the gender-media-equality relation:

  • Women and leadership in media industries
  • Gender representation in media contents
  • Violence against women journalists
  • Gender-sensitive media policies
  • Gendered journalism cultures

This module was…

Renewal of COPEAM governance

22 October 2020

In the framework of the 27th annual Conference held last October, the General Assembly of COPEAM elected the new governing bodies of the Association and the Presidencies of its operational Commissions.
Besides NMA/Egypt, Radio Romania, Rai/Italy, RTVE/Spain – expiring in 2022 – and the confirmation of Jordan Media City, France Télévisions, HRT/Croatia, PBC/Palestine, Radio France, RTSH/Albania and TRT/Turkey for a new mandate, three new Organizations entered the Steering Committee: BNT-Bulgaria, INA-France and Télévision Tunisienne, replacing RTK-Kosovo, Collectivité de Corse and Radio Tunisia that – while welcoming the new members – we wish to thank…

COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators) 27th annual Conference, dedicated to  Media and science: accurate information in the age of denialisms” and organized in partnership with Rai-Radiotelevisione Italiana and with the support of Eni, took place last October 23. Audiovisual professionals and international delegates from all over the Mediterranean region attended the works, which were held online due to the current health emergency.

The event was inaugurated with a welcome message by Mr. Marcello Foa, President of Rai, and the Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Manlio Di Stefano, who…

2020 ERN-Med Prize winners

COPEAM is glad to announce the selection results of the 2020 ERN-Med Prize – devoted this year to the topic “Changing societies: communicating the Mediterranean diversities”:

>Best news items (ex aequo): “Planting a tree for migrants” by France Télévisions / France  and “Women training project” by TVE / Spain

>Special mention: Interreligious artby EPTV / Algeria

Thanking the Arab and the European Broadcasting Unions (ASBU and EBU) for the valuable contribution to the Prize as Jury members and, with them, the ERN-Med Coordination Centre for all the work done during the year, we congratulate France Télévisions, TVE and EPTV for this success!