Dubai, 4-8 December 2023

In the framework of the partnership with the EIB-European Investment Bank, COPEAM has set up a transnational newsroom to cover the COP28 United Nations Conference on Climate Change, hosted by the UAE in Dubai in December 2023.    
Under the coordination of a senior international expert and with the support of a local production team and of COPEAM staff, the 10 selected journalists worked for 3 intense days to produce news items about this huge international event, shooting, writing, recording and editing several reportages, analysis and interviews which were then published or aired…

Sharm El Sheikh, 14-18 November 2022

In the framework of the partnership with the EIB-European Investment Bank, COPEAM set up a transnational newsroom to produce news reports about the COP27 World Conference on Climate Change (Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt), under the coordination of a senior international expert and with the support of a local production team.

COPEAM selected, among the most successful beneficiaries of its previous training activities on climate reporting, 11 journalists from the MENA, Balkans and Sub-Saharan regions to take part in this activity.

During 3 days, they shot, wrote, recorded,…

Putting the issue of climate change at the heart of a correct media discourse: this is the objective of COPEAM’s initiative which, with the support of the European Investment Bank, will accompany the work of 11 journalists from Africa, Middle East and the Balkans during the COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh.

The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP27, is currently taking place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt (November 6-18). This edition is of crucial importance in the face of a global context marked by a seriesof extreme climatic events and energy shocks. COPEAM (Permanent Conference of…


Marseille, 21 June 2019

Upon kind invitation of France Télévisions, the news coordinators of the Mediterranean Regional News Exchange (ERN-Med) gathered in Marseille, last June 21, at France 3, to make their periodical assessment of this cooperation tool strongly promoted in the framework of EBU-COPEAM-ASBU trilateral partnership.

Several points were tackled by participants through the meeting agenda, among which: members’ internal hindrances to participate actively to the exchange; presentation of the annual statistics by the ERNM Algiers’ coordination centre; analysis of ASBU associates’ contributions; modernization of the EBU News Exchange with improved transmission channels…

COPEAM-BEI transnational newsroom at COP24

Katowice, 11-14 December 2018

For the second year, thanks once again to the support of the EIB-European Investment Bank, COPEAM has set up a transnational newsroom to cover the World Summit on Climate Change (COP24), which took place in Poland, Katowice, from 3 to 14 December 2018.

During the last 4 days of this event, 7 journalists from Palestine, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan’s public televisions – with the support of international experts and of a technical team – were producing news reports about negotiations, national commitments, adaptation and mitigation plans, green projects funding, education on…

Bonn, 14-17 November 2017

Following two theoretic training workshops (in Tunisia in 2015 and in Morocco in 2016), that were aimed at providing the journalists involved with the basic notions concerning the climate change and the environmental challenges at the heart of the different international conferences on climate, this year the partnership between COPEAM and the European Investment Bank evolved into the creation of a transnational newsroom to ensure the media coverage of the COP23, the UN global conference on climate, which took place in Bonn (Germany) from 6 to 17 November 2017.

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Bonn, 14-17 November 2017

In the framework of the world conference on climate change – COP23 – in Bonn, COPEAM, with the support of the European Investment Bank (EIB), has involved a group of journalists from South-Mediterranean Balkans’ radio and TV broadcasters in a transnational newsroom aimed at covering the event through the realisation of interviews to the attending personalities and of information products related to climate change and environment.

The 9 journalists from Algeria, Tunisia, Palestine, Egypt, Morocco, Croatia and Slovenia ensured in-depth coverage and reports, highlighting the main strategies the international community is adopting…