ASBU-COPEAM-EBU tripartite 2011

In the framework of the 31st General Assembly, on 16th December 2011, in Tunis, ASBU hosted the tripartite meeting with COPEAM and EBU.
Considering the events which marked the Mediterranean region in 2011, the participants debated on the strategic actions carried out or to be developed by the three Unions to support the members from the countries in transition.
In addition, a focus was made on the sport rights matter and on its evolution following the debate initiated in Paris at the 17th COPEAM Conference.
The training activities were also discussed during the last trilateral meeting: the possible evolutions of the ASBU-COPEAM workshop on new TV formats writing and, in particular, the proposal of an interactive distance learning pilot module open to the members’ professionals endowed with MENOS device. Among the debated topics, the project of a week devoted to multimedia journalism training in the Gulf region, jointly promoted by COPEAM and ASBU, was proposed.
A state of art was made about the co-productions realised in partnership - namely the ASBU-COPEAM “Inter-Rives” series which has joined its third edition and will start in the springtime 2012 - together with an assessment of the news’ exchanges (ERN-MED).
Finally, the meeting was the occasion to discuss about the EU co-funded projects in which the tripartite bodies are partners or associated, such as the Capacity Development Support Unit (CDSU), “Joussour” (CBC MED Cross-Border Cooperation Programme) and “Med-Mem” (Euromed Heritage IV).

Past activities

ASBU-COPEAM-EBU tripartite 2011

In the framework of the 31st General Assembly, on 16th December 2011, in Tunis, ASBU hosted the t... Link