In the framework of the 27th ordinary session of ASBU General Assembly, the Tripartite meeting
ASBU/UER/ COPEAM took place. During the meeting, the common initiatives the three organizations carry out in different fields have been discussed: in particular, training (the master class
addressed to the news coordinators; the 3rd edition of the seminar on“TV formatswriting and production”, organized in Damascus atASBUTraining Center; the 4th edition of COPEAM University); news exchange (ERN MED); radio (“Portraits of Legendary Footballers”) and TV co-productions (“Inter-Rives”) aboutwhichM.SlaheddineMaaoui, DG of ASBU, expressed his satisfaction and pointed out the importance of its broadcasting, as the final aim of this extraordinary collaboration and intercultural work.
On this occasion EBU, COPEAM and ASBU have launched a shared initiative addressed to the European institutions in favor of the programs devoted to the audiovisual sector, in particular EUROMED Audiovisual.