COPEAM and the U.N. Alliance of Civilisations partners for the Plural+ Festival

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COPEAM confirmed its involvement, as media partner, in the 2011 edition of Plural+ Festival.
The initiative, organised by the Alliance of Civilisations of the United Nations, in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration and other international partners, is dedicated to videos realised by young people exploring topics related to migration and diversity.
PLURAL+ Award ceremony was held at the Paley Center for Media on 10th November 2011, in New York. In that occasion, COPEAM awarded with its special prize the video "Faith in London" by Tariq Chowhdury (United Kingdom), with the following motivation:

COPEAM is pleased to award "Faith in London" by Tariq Chowhdury, in the framework of 18-25 category of Plural+ Festival 2011, for the freshness and beauty by which the author treats a so ticklish topic as religion is, using originality but simplicity. An open-to-hope and dialogue-inspi-ring video, that impresses the viewer thanks to its evocative images.

According to a practice consolidated in the last years, the winner of COPEAM 2011 prize has been invited to present his video during the annual Conference in Marrakesh.