Med-Mem : Audiovisual Mediterranean Memories

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from July 24, 2013 @ 16:08:21. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

On January 21st 2013, partners and associates of Med-Mem met in Rabat, at SNRT premises, to discuss together about last steps to be realised before the official closure of the project, next 31st January.

Among the main points, the meeting agenda included the uploading of new archives on Med-Mem, the future sustainability of website and the enlargement of the network to new contributors.

The working day went on at the National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco, at the presence of several institutional representatives, for the official signature of the new Med-Mem dissemination points in this country, notably the faculties and schools of the University Hassan II of Casablanca, the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakesh, the IFJSUP (Institut Supérieur de Journalisme et d’Information), the Cultural Centre Sidi Mohammed Ben Larbi Alaoui, the Abderrahim Bouabid theatre in Mohammedia and the National Library itself.

Consequently, Morocco becomes the first country for the project dissemination, followed by France. Thus, such promotion network of Med-Mem is widening no-stop and new institutions, universities, museums and other organisations with educational and cultural value will soon enter the project and contribute to its visibility and mission.