22nd International URTI Radio Grand Prix: CALL FOR ENTRIES

URTI is the first International Radio-TV Grand Prix with 54 participating countries in 2009. For its 22nd edition, with the support of Ando Media Group, the International URTI Radio Grand Prix calls for participation on the theme: “Young people of today”.

Each organization is invited to present one or two programmes in competition.
The jury will meet in September 2010 in Varna (Bulgaria), at the kind invitation of the Bulgarian National Radio. Prizes will be awarded to the most original and creative productions. The International URTI Radio Grand Prix is now endowed with 5.000 $.

Some important points in the rules:
- The contest is open, free of charge, to radio broadcasting or production organizations.
- Running time: 60 minutes maximum.
- The programmes must be accompanied by the text of the production in French and/or English.
- The programmes may be sent on a CD or by the Internet (possibility to upload entry forms, scripts and programmes in “.mp3” on the website: www.urtifestival.com).

You can be registered by sending back the entry form or directly from the website www.urti.org where you can find the rules and the prize-winners of the previous years.

Please send to the general Direction of URTI:
- The entry forms by August 13th, 2010 at the latest
- The programmes by August 27th, 2010 at the latest

For further information: urti@urti.org