CDSU: Recommendations for a new financial mechanism to support the production and co-production in the Mediterranean area.

One of the achievements of the Capacity Building Support Unit (CDSU) of the EU programme Euromed Audiovisual III is the setting up of a Working Group on financing. This is a Think Thank gathering Southern Mediterranean actors on a project for a new financial mechanism aimed at strengthening regional co-productions in the Southern Mediterranean area.
The first meeting of the Group was held in Cannes in 2012 and established the following axis: working at a mechanism supporting projects over the entire cycle of production, writing and distribution on all screens; giving priority to works oriented toward all publics; and proposing a sustainable model.
Other meetings took place on the occasion of the Carthage Film Festival (November 2012), as well as the professional meetings Dia Sud Med in Beirut at the beginning of 2013 and the last edition of Cannes Film Festival.
Recently, on 26 and 27 June, the Group met in La Rochelle, in the framework of the Sunny Side of the Doc, for a workshop focusing on how to improve the dissemination of audiovisual works within televisions and reinforce production and co-production with regard to their legal aspects. On this occasion, COPEAM illustrated its co-production formula based on the “basket” principle, by presenting Inter-Rives and Joussour.

Currently, a preliminary assessment of the actions carried out by the Financing Group of the EA III includes the publication of 5 studies, providing practical and strategic information on available financing sources and existing co-productions, as well as a project for a financing mechanism based on the market development and access, which will be available soon.

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