Seville Charter


This Charter does not intend to lay down normative rules, limit the freedom of expression, or influence the editorial lines of the media. Aware of the risks of misleading the act of informing by means of practices aimed at conditioning opinions, with this Charter the signatory media intend to:

– assert their willingness to privilege an open information that integrates the patrimony and specificity of the cultural heritage of each one, within a framework of respect, tolerance and dialogue;
– comply…

Ten years after the Barcelona Declaration, the European Commission, the City of Marseille and their partners proposed to hold a conference, where professionals from the audiovisual domain from both sides of the Mediterranean basin could discuss the role of the media in Euro-Mediterranean dialogue. This conference has taken place within the framework of a series of three major events focusing on
this subject in Jordan, Marseille and Barcelona.
Their findings have been presented to the Heads of States and Government at the Barcelona Summit of November 2005.
The four round tables were focused on…


In Sétif (Algeria), last 5th March, Mrs Khalida Toumi, Minister of the Culture in Algeria, Mr Hamraoui Habib Chawki, ENTV Director General and COPEAM President, Mrs Alessandra Paradisi, COPEAM Secretary General, Mr Bedoui Noureddine, wali of Sétif, have opened the 2nd COPEAM University, that has gathered together about 80 television & radio journalists form the Northern and Southern countries of the Mediterranean region and also furthermore, thanks to the synergies with ASBU – Arab States Broadcasting Union.

Mr Roberto Albergoni, Deputy Director General of Unimed – Union of Mediterranean Universities, and Mrs Antonella Tarquini, correspondent in Algiers…

The first Regional Conference of EUROMED Audiovisual II Programme, financed by the European Commission, took place on 10th and 11th February 2007 in Berlin, in the framework of the Berlin International Film Festival.

A preliminary workshop, held on 8th and 9th February, was devoted to the “Fight against piracy” and gathered important authorities of the audiovisual sector from both MEDA countries and Europe. The Conference, held in the two following days, was focused on the results achieved by the 12 projects financed by the Programme one year after their beginning, on market and financial strategies as…

Following the positive results obtained in the training field based on a pragmatic work methodology and on the principle of “shared know-how”, an important co-production project based on the “basket” formula has been launched by ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union) and COPEAM in November 2005. Co-produced by COPEAM and ASBU broadcaster members, Algeria (EPTV), Egypt (ERTU), Spain (RTVE), France (FRANCE 3 Corse), Greece (ERT), Italy (RAI Educational), Jordan (JRTV), Lebanon (Al Manar), Morocco (SNRT), Sudan (Sudan TV), Syria (ORTAS TV), Tunisia (ERTT), Yemen (Yemen TV) and San Marino TV, the Inter-Rives TV magazine – a series of 13′ documentary episodes…

COPEAM and EBU have taken part for the second consecutive year – also thanks to the fruitful collaboration developed with ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union) – in the opening session of the Information Ministers’ Council of the Arab League’s countries, that has been held in Cairo on the 19 June, 2008.

"Arab League, Cairo 19-06-08

Mr. Chairman,
Honorable Ministers,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear Colleagues and Friends,

Participating again in such a high level meeting is at the same time a great…

Med-Mem : Audiovisual Mediterranean Memories

Co-funded at 68% bythe European Commission in response to EUROMED Heritage IV Programme, Med-Mem project, led by INA – French National Audiovisual Institute – consists in the setting up of an Internet site aimed at promoting the heritage of the Euro-Mediterranean area through the on line edition of editorialized audiovisual archives from the public televisions of the Region.  

After 4 years of common work and following the two launch events of the website that took place in Marseille in October 2012 and in Rabat in…


One philosophy « Informing people in the southern Mediterranean countries about the initiatives supported by the European Union to generate prosperity in its neighbouring regions, all underpinned by the existing cultural dialogue between the two shores.» This is the mission of the EuroMed-News consortium. One project Bringing together international organisations ASBU, COPEAM and EBU, and public broadcasters EPTV in Algeria, France Télévisions, JRTV in Jordan, ORTAS in Syria, SNRT in Morocco and TéléLiban in Lebanon, the EuroMed-News Consortium aims to: – inform the general public about the Euro-Mediterranean partnership; – facilitate the coverage and broadcasting of current Euro-Mediterranean affairs by…



COPEAM Secretary General took part in the session “Making climate knowledge accessible: Networks and available resources” of the "Broadcast & Climate Change" UNESCOConference.

The session was focused on the opportunities that international partnerships and exchanges can create for broadcasters to improve their capacity of delivering information about climate and environment. Participants presented their experience in this area and outlined the possibility of sharing relevant contacts, knowledge, and rights free content on climate change.

See the Conference programme
Watch the Conference webcast page