Steering Committee of COPEAM

Paris, 9 November 2018

The Steering Committee of COPEAM met in Paris, upon kind invitation of France Télévisions, on November 9, to make an assessment of 2018 2nd semester’s activities carried out within the network in the various fields – training, coproduction, audiovisual heritage, news exchange, festivals, gender equality, EU projects – and set the agenda of the Association’s action for the coming months.

During the meeting, the attending members approved the new composition of the Financial Committee of COPEAM, following the candidatures of representatives of RTVE (Spain), RAI (Italy) and HRT (Croatia).


Kantara, Mediterradio and MusicaMed are the 3 radio magazines co-produced under the auspices of COPEAM. To power your summer, you can replay all the numbers recorded during this year.

To come back on the Mediterranean news offered by the whole Kantara international team:

Plunge yourself in the insular culture with Mediterradio, the program that brings the big Mediterranean western islands together:

Dance through the musical discoveries of Marzia Puleo in MusicaMed:

See you in September 2018, for the return…

The 18-34 generation will build the 21st century, carrying the strengths and hopes of all nations. Generation What? is the first cross-media programme putting the millennial generation under the spotlights. Its Arabic version was launched on 14 March in Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia and on 11 April  in Egypt, Libya and Palestine. 

The project websites, one for each country involved, offer to young people aged between 18 and 34 the opportunity to take a survey of 167 questions written with the support of sociologists and tailored to each country’s cultural and social context. This survey covers all relevant fields: millennials’ relationship with their…

World Radio Day: Radio and sports

13 February 2018

As a member of the World Radio Day committee, COPEAM invites its members to celebrate Radio and Sports, with the aim of strengthening diversity, peace and development through sports broadcasting. 

The radios are then invited to showcase the beauty of sports in all its variety, to celebrate the traditional sports that connect us to our cultural heritage, the grassroots sports that anchor us within our communities and the inspiring stories that challenge gender stereotypes and cover, equally, both men’s and woman’s sports events.

Click here for more info

Since January 2017, Copeam is part of a consortium led by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), and created to implement the project Generation What? in 8 Arab countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.

Generation What? is a pioneering trans-media project that has enjoyed unprecedented success in Europe, where one million people have contributed to its outputs. The South-Mediterranean initiative, funded by the European Union, draws on the combined experience of a consortium comprising the three sister Unions and two Paris-based production companies, Yami 2 and Upian. In each country, the consortium is…

The following news items were produced in the framework of the training/production workshop for journalists on the topic “Media in favour of female entrepreneurs” aimed at promoting women’s contribution to the Tunisian economy through successful stories able to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit and become a source of inspiration for other women.

The activity has been organized by COPEAM with the support of UNESCO (in the framework of the Swedish-funded project “Promoting democracy and freedom of expression” and  the EU-funded NET-MED Youth project), and held in collaboration with the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), the training was…

Tripartite meeting ASBU-COPEAM-EBU

Tunis, 13 December 2017   

The ASBU-COPEAM-EBU tripartite meeting took place before the closing of the 37th General Assembly of ASBU. The agenda of this year was rich in projects and initiatives carried out during 2017: the Arab version of Generation What ? – the flag-ship project gathering the three Media Associations – which is at a crucial point with the video modules’ delivery by the public broadcasters of the 8 Southern countries involved;  the Inter-Rives TV coproduction, whose sixth series will be soon ready for broadcast; the actions promoting gender equality in the media, with the “Media…

Brussels, 6 December 2017

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Mediterranean Journalist Awards, COPEAM has renewed its partnership with the Anna Lindh Foundation being part again of the international Jury in charge of selecting the works in competition.

The preselected journalists were invited to the awarding ceremony, which took place in Brussels, at the premises of the European Parliament, last December 6, where the winners for each category (press, online, TV/Radio, photography) were announced and rewarded by HRH Princess Rym Ali of Jordan.

This year, a Special Prize was delivered to…

Tunis, 6-9 November 2017

The training/production workshop for journalists on the topic “Media in favour of female entrepreneurs” took place in Tunis from 6 to 9 November 2017. Organized by COPEAM with the support of UNESCO* and in collaboration with the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), it was addressed to a group of journalists from the Tunisian public radio and television and the web press.

The initiative aimed to enhance women’s contribution to the Tunisian economy through the production of news about successful stories in the country, able to promote the entrepreneurial vocation and become sources…