As in the past, COPEAM supports the 2017 edition of PLURAL+ Video Festival, organized by UNAOC and IOM in cooperation with a wide number of international partners. The main goal of this worldwide competition is to give voice to young video makers wishing to express their experiences and thoughts on migration, diversity and social inclusion.

Over 320 short videos from 67 countries have competed this year in the three age categories (9-12, 13-17, 18-25). COPEAM will award its special prize to “Can you see the future?” by Ismet Kale (Turkey) with the following motivation:

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Rome (Maxxi), 28 April 2017
9 am – 12:30 am

The innovation creators on the stage of MAXXI (National Museum of the XXI century arts) of Rome as the ones who bring ideas which deserve to be spread out, who are promoters of change and pioneers in the new routes towards the future. Those who have rejected the world as it is today and who spend their energies every day to build up our future.

On the  initiative of AGI-Agenzia Giornalistica Italia – which has very recently adhered to COPEAM as an active member – the 2nd…

2017 World Radio Day: The Radio is you

13 February 2017

The 2017 edition of the World Radio Day was organised around the slogan “Radio is you”. As a member of the organizing committee of the WRD, last 13 February COPEAM invited its associated radios to set up a number of actions aimed at promoting the peculiarities of radio and its impact on the audiences’ daily life. On that occasion, a special number of Kantara was produced and aired by the partners.

The concerned broadcasters also planned ad-hoc programmes in line with the annual topic and produced short reportages focused on their own newsrooms, in order…

Algiers, 24-25 February 2017

The 2-day workshop on “Sharing best practices for a better Mediterranean narration“, addressed to the TV news coordinators, was organised in Algiers (24-25 February 2017), in the framework and with the support of the MedMedia EU project. This multilateral capacity building initiative was aimed at gathering, for the first time, the staff assigned to the news exchange platforms of the Mediterranean, Arab and South-East European regions – the ERN-MED (Mediterranean regional news exchange), based at the Algerian public television EPTV, the Exchange Coordination Centre of ASBU (Algiers) and the ERN-O…

This event is funded by the European Union

Considered the very encouraging results of the peer-to-peer activity implemented by COPEAM and MedMedia (EU-funded project aimed to facilitate the progress of media reforms in the MENA region) in 2015-2016 and intended to reinforce gender-equality policies and to counter sexist stereotypes in 9 TV and radio public South-Mediterranean broadcasters associated to COPEAM, a new capacity-building exchange process is launched to strengthen the planning and implementing in-house training strategies and plans capable, notably, to manage the digital transition challenges: “Managing the digital transition: a training challenge for media organizations”.

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An intensive February for COPEAM

At the beginning of the new year, a number of initiatives will bring together the members of COPEAM around an intensified cooperation in the radio, training and capacity building domains.

On Thursday 23 February, the public radios associated to COPEAM will gather in Marseille at the Radio Commission meeting for a joint assessment of the ongoing projects and to define future strategies and activities, such as the new co-production devoted to women entrepreneurs and the study of new technological cooperation tools.

The following two days, 24 and 25 February, thanks to the…

Mediterranean storytelling: complexities, media response and public opinion

Beirut, 11-13 May 2017


The 24th Conference of COPEAM – devoted this year to the narration of the complexities of the Mediterranean region and to the media impact on the public opinion of the basin’s countries – closed in Beirut last 13 May.

A call for journalism transparency, the need of checking the information sources and the pressure, also political, often exerted on the media – in Europe as well as in the whole world – were the key issues addressed by Helen Boaden (former Director of…

World Radio Day 2017: RADIO IS YOU

The 2017 edition of the World Radio Day was announced. As a member of the organizing committee, COPEAM joins UNESCO in inviting all member radios to take part, next 13 February, to this global event and to celebrate radio and its impact on our lives.

In fact, radio remains the most dynamic, reactive and engaging medium. It informs and accompany us in our daily life, through news, entertainment or interaction with the audience.

Thus, the 2017 topic will focus on the participation and engagement of the public, on the different tools available to make…

The following news items were produced in the framework of the training/production workshop for journalists on the topic “Media in favour of female entrepreneurs” aimed at promoting women’s contribution to the Algerian economy through successful stories able to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit and become a source of inspiration for other women.

 More info about the project

Chahira Daouedi – “tapis roulants” industry   TV item Radio item Web item   Crossed portraits: Lynda Aberkane, business of canvas bags  and Amina Titah, travel agency TV item Radio item           Wardia Gacem and Samia Ferrah – architects