The 2014 activity of the “Balkans’ Memory ” project is marked by two final main events: a practical training on archives’ appraisal and documentary treatment, organized in Skopje from 28 to 30 May; the closing conference which will be held on the 19 November in Sarajevo. […]

Editorial February 2014

For 3 years now, social and economic developments and political upheaval have profoundly transformed our societies and institutions. We have witnessed extraordinary events that have changed the face of the Mediterranean region, events whose repercussions are reflected in the everyday lives of its populations. On both shores, media are experiencing radical changes that undermine the structure and economy of the audiovisual sector. As we have constantly stressed, now more than ever we must work together, combining our energies and encouraging joint ventures and creativity. 
When Ina took over the presidency of COPEAM at this difficult time, its aim was to…


For 3 years now, social and economic developments and political upheaval have profoundly transformed our societies and institutions. We have witnessed extraordinary events that have changed the face of the Mediterranean region, events whose repercussions are reflected in the everyday lives of its populations. On both shores, media are experiencing radical changes that undermine the structure and economy of the audiovisual sector. As we have constantly stressed, now more than ever we must work together, combining our energies and encouraging joint ventures and creativity. 
When Ina took over the presidency of COPEAM at this difficult time, its…




ASBU-EBU-COPEAM tripartite meeting

Tunis, 13 April 2014

Following the 20th General Assembly of COPEAM, the three Unions ASBU-EBU-COPEAM gathered as usual to make an assessment on the common activities and of the joint cooperation projects.
This time, in Tunis, the respective representatives discussed about the TV co-productions, namely of the forthcoming 1st workshop of Inter-Rives IV series, hosted by ASBU; of the training courses; of the radio and TV programmes exchange, confirming the active cooperation in this field between the COPEAM News exchange Commission, the ASBU Exchange Centre and the EBU network.
They also analysed new opportunities of collaboration in the framework…

Training Commission

The Training Commission is devoted to the organisation of multilateral activities addressed to the professionals from COPEAM broadcasting members. Journalism is the main domain around which the various projects are developed. An action plan has been launched in the field of cultural journalism with the aim of reinforcing the news professionals’ capacities in covering cultural events and issues. Starting from 2013, COPEAM and TRT have been organising an annual regional forum devoted to training strategies planning and implementation in the Mediterranean radio and TV public broadcasters, addressed to training and HR departments’ executives. Finally, several initiatives have been carried out…

Rome, 19 February – 7 March 2014

COPEAM was the promoter of a training course for journalists and operators of the Libyan National Channel, organized in collaboration with the University of Rome La Sapienza and RAI-Radiotelevisione italiana. This initiative took place in Rome from 19 February to 7 March 2014, thanks to a funding from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During three weeks, 13 professionals from different regional stations of the Libyan broadcaster had the opportunity to deepen their skills and know-how related to the public service media sector.
The training days were…