Monaco, 2012-06-12
The documentary "Sayome" (ERT – Greece) has won the 31st International URTI Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary – Arman Trophy. The winner were announced in Monaco on Monday, June 11 2012. The final Jury, presided by the famous French director Claude Lelouch, was made up of professionals from seventeen nationalities. 255 documentaries were selected for the competition by 182 television channels from 72 different countries. The prizes were given in the framework of the Monte-Carlo Television Festival during the ceremony organized at the Hermitage Hotel.

For more info visit URTI website

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On May 21st 2012, at the "Pavillon du Cinéma du Monde", the Capacity Development Support Unit (CDSU) of the Euromed Audiovisual III Programme – led by the consortium between GIZ, ASBU, COPEAM, EBU, Deutsche Welle, IMED and ZDF – presented the results of its activities and its innovative approach to some 60 Euro-Mediterranean professionals.
Never practiced before in the region and in the sector, this approach is built around four pillars (People, Organizations, Institutions and Legislation), liaising the proposed integrated activities with principles of Capacity development.

They are the result of different roundtables organized in several…

On May 21st 2012, at the "Pavillon du Cinéma du Monde", the Capacity Development Support Unit (CDSU) of the Euromed Audiovisual III Programme – led by the consortium between GIZ, ASBU, COPEAM, EBU, Deutsche Welle, IMED and ZDF – presented the results of its activities and its innovative approach to some 60 Euro-Mediterranean professionals.
Never practiced before in the region and in the sector, this approach is built around four pillars (People, Organizations, Institutions and Legislation), liaising the proposed integrated activities with principles of Capacity development.

They are the result of different roundtables organized in several…

Marrakesh, 29th March -1st April 2012 

Changes in the Euro-Mediterranean societies: the Media on the move 

The 19th annual Conference of COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators), which took place at the Palais des Congrès of Marrakesh upon invitation of the Moroccan public broadcaster (SNRT) and in media-partnership with Babel TV on the theme “Changes in the Euro-Mediterranean societies: the Media on the move”, was officially opened by the Minister of Communication and spokesperson of the Moroccan government, Mustapha EL KHALFI.
During the three working sessions, a panel of experts from the media and the audiovisual sectors…

With the view of giving great impulse to the Strategic Action Plan launched in Cairo, during its 16th annual Conference, COPEAM has carried out an analytic approach to the Mediterranean audiovisual landscape, namely throughout its study commissions and working groups.

Such process led to COPEAM participation in an international consortium – having the German agency for the international cooperation GIZ as leading company and composed by the EBU, the ASBU, Deutsche Welle, IMED and ZDF – which was established in order to submit an offer to the E.C. Euromed Audiovisual III Call for tenders.
The proposal won…

31st International URTI Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary Arman Trophy


URTI organizes, with the support of UNESCO and the entirety of the international audiovisual organizations, the first audiovisual International Grand Prix. 81 countries were thus represented for the 2011 edition.

In television, the International URTI Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary enjoys a great renown thanks to an important participation and to selected programmes of quality (223 documentaries selected in competition by 140 channels in 2011).

Each television channel can register for free one or two documentaries.


Grand Prix URTI:…

COPEAM is media partner of the project L’Approdo. Opera all’Umanità Migrante, (“Landing. Tribute for Migrant umanity”). The initiative, raised from an idea of the Istituto di Culture Mediterranee of the Provincia di Lecce, has turned
the Albanian guard ship Kater I Rades into an artistic work dedicated to the migrants lost at sea on the 28th March 1997.
The project coordination was assigned to the Greek sculptor Costas Varotsos, one of the major and internationally renowned contemporary artists.

Many artists from different disciplines have been involved in the project.
Starting from the “Good Friday tragedy”,…

ASBU-COPEAM-EBU tripartite 2011

In the framework of the 31st General Assembly, on 16th December 2011, in Tunis, ASBU hosted the tripartite meeting with COPEAM and EBU.
Considering the events which marked the Mediterranean region in 2011, the participants debated on the strategic actions carried out or to be developed by the three Unions to support the members from the countries in transition.
In addition, a focus was made on the sport rights matter and on its evolution following the debate initiated in Paris at the 17th COPEAM Conference.
The training activities were also discussed during the last trilateral meeting:…

ASBU-COPEAM-EBU tripartite 2011

In the framework of the 31st General Assembly, on 16th December 2011, in Tunis, ASBU hosted the tripartite meeting with COPEAM and EBU.
Considering the events which marked the Mediterranean region in 2011, the participants debated on the strategic actions carried out or to be developed by the three Unions to support the members from the countries in transition.
In addition, a focus was made on the sport rights matter and on its evolution following the debate initiated in Paris at the 17th COPEAM Conference.
The training activities were also discussed during the last trilateral meeting:…