“The waves for the Mediterranean” radio cooperation project, that started in December 2009, brings together six partners: the Tunisian Radio as project leader, Radio France (France Bleu Frequenza Mora), ENRS (Algeria), SNRT (Morocco), ESAV (School of Visual Arts in Marrakech – Morocco) and COPEAM as coordinator. Presented in the framework of the Call for proposals for programs ALF/CFP/2009/LTP/146 of the Euro-Mediterranean Anna Lindh Foundation – it won 49% funding of its total value. It aims at developing, strengthening and perpetuating specifically Euro-Mediterranean radio co-productions and at supporting mobility for the sector’s young professionals. This will be done on the one…


Each year, on October 16, FAO – the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – is organizing the Food World Day, which commemorates the date of its creation in 1945. This year the event will focus on food security in times of crisis, to focus on the fact that the global crisis hit with full forces smallholder farmers and rural areas, where live and work 70% of the people suffering hunger in the world.

Keywords of this advocacy initiative are "Imagine" and "Get involved ". Indeed, the WFD objectives are to increase public awareness of…


A partnership to fight against hunger
Rome, 16 October 2009

On the occasion of the World Food Day, a partnership was established between FAO and COPEAM,Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), and the International Council of French-Speaking Radio and Television (CIRTEF).

Read moreabout the partnership

Read the press release

About the World Food Day :
Each year, on October 16, FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – organizes the World FoodDay, which commemorates the date of its…


A partnership to fight against hunger
Rome, 16 October 2009

On the occasion of the World Food Day, a partnership was established between FAO and COPEAM,Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), and the International Council of French-Speaking Radio and Television (CIRTEF).

Read moreabout the partnership

Read the press release

About the World Food Day :
Each year, on October 16, FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – organizes the World FoodDay, which commemorates the date of its…

2009 COPEAM-ASBU training projects

Last 2-3 October, the 2009 meeting of the ASBU Training Centre Consultative Committee was held in Damascus. The Director General of ASBU, Mr. Salaheddine Maaoui, and the Director of the Centre, Mr. Taleb Kadi Amin, have welcomed some representatives of ASBU broadcaster members’ training departments and international partners such as COPEAM, EBU, CFI, and Deutsche Welle Akademie.
The delegation has been received by the Syrian Minister of Information, Dr. Mohsen Bilal, the Director General of the Syrian Radio and Television Corporation, Dr. Mumtaz Al-Shaykh, and the Directors of the TV and the Radio. The Minister has stressed the importance…

Final resolution addressed to the Euro-Mediterranean Heads of State and Government Cairo (Egypt) – 19 April 2009

We, members of the Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM), which includes the great majority of the Mediterranean audiovisual professionals as well as experts and eminent personalities from the cultural and media world, share the ambition to consolidate and deepen the exchanges between the States and the peoples of the Mediterranean basin.

We support the determination of the Heads of State and Government to convey the aspirations of the peoples who share the…

The Anna Lindh Mediterranean Journalist Award aims at promoting the positive role that could be played by TV, radio and press journalists in creating a shared space of free and reliable information and opinion. The competition is organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation in media-partnership with COPEAM.

More info about the Anna Lindh Foundation


COPEAM for Mediterranean Journalist Award 2012
Berlin 18 October 2012

COPEAM, as media partner of the Mediterranean Journalist Award and member of the international Jury, took part in the selection of the winning works…

The co-productions represent one of the most important sector which COPEAM has always given a crucial relevance to and which has been developed thanks to different partnerships and synergies set up during these years. In fact, it represents a strategic sector for our Association allowing, on a long-term period, the creation of a Euro-Arab audiovisual imaginary, that is diversified butbased on a shared cooperation and intercultural spirit. This first Euro-Arab large-scope co-production, Inter-Rives, achieved 32 documentary episodes (ready to be broadcast) each one 13 minutes long, about “contemporary art”, “women” and “emigrant”. It has been presented in different occasions, among…

Inter-Rives” co-production and the University of COPEAM have been selected and included in the 150 most significant and innovative initiatives – identified all across Europe – by, or about, the media that counter discrimination and promote diversity.
This, in the framework of the study on “Media & Diversity” – commissioned by the E.C. and conducted by an independent consortium comprising the International Federation of Journalists, Internews Europe and the Media Diversity Institute – whose findings and recommendations will be published in may 2009.
This pan-European study covers 27 EU Member States and 3 EFTA countries and…