ASBU-COPEAM-EBU Tripartite Meeting 2009

During the 28th General Assembly of ASBU, in January 2009, the tripartite ASBU-COPEAM-EBU meeting has been held in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia).
The meeting agenda also included, among the political activities jointly carried out by the three Unions, the follow-up of the action launched in 2008 towards the European Institutions in favour of EUROMED Audiovisual Programme continuance. On this subject, the conclusions of the closing meeting of the Programme 2nd phase (Cairo, November 2009) have been reported, with a special focus on the possible launch, by the E.C., of the 3rd phase in 2009.
In the training…

ASBU-COPEAM-EBU Tripartite Meeting 2009

During the 28th General Assembly of ASBU, in January 2009, the tripartite ASBU-COPEAM-EBU meeting has been held in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia).
The meeting agenda also included, among the political activities jointly carried out by the three Unions, the follow-up of the action launched in 2008 towards the European Institutions in favour of EUROMED Audiovisual Programme continuance. On this subject, the conclusions of the closing meeting of the Programme 2nd phase (Cairo, November 2009) have been reported, with a special focus on the possible launch, by the E.C., of the 3rd phase in 2009.
In the training…

The regional closing Conference of Euromed Audiovisual II Programme was held in Cairo on 10th and 11th November 2008. it was aimed at drawing an assessment of 3-year activity and at thinking over the future prospects of the audiovisual cooperation between the North and South of the Mediterranean. About 120 delegates from both Mediterranean shores have participated in this event.

COPEAM and EBU have taken the floor during the session devoted to “the rebirth of the Mediterranean Audiovisual”.
In that occasion, the Secretary General has underlined that COPEAM had become, since its foundation in 1996,…

The regional closing Conference of Euromed Audiovisual II Programme was held in Cairo on 10th and 11th November 2008. it was aimed at drawing an assessment of 3-year activity and at thinking over the future prospects of the audiovisual cooperation between the North and South of the Mediterranean. About 120 delegates from both Mediterranean shores have participated in this event.

COPEAM and EBU have taken the floor during the session devoted to “the rebirth of the Mediterranean Audiovisual”.
In that occasion, the Secretary General has underlined that COPEAM had become, since its foundation in 1996,…

Med-Mem : Audiovisual Mediterranean Memories

Co-funded at 68% bythe European Commission in response to EUROMED Heritage IV Programme, Med-Mem project, led by INA – French National Audiovisual Institute – consists in the setting up of an Internet site aimed at promoting the heritage of the Euro-Mediterranean area through the on line edition of editorialized audiovisual archives from the public televisions of the Region.  

After 4 years of common work and following the two launch events of the website that took place in Marseille in October 2012 and in Rabat in…

One week to carry out, on the field, a 52’ TV documentary composed of 10 reportages focused on “Tourism and sustainable development, factors of connection between peoples” to be shot in the Algerian region of Bejaia: this is the goal reached during the last edition of COPEAM University (5-12 April 2008). The inter-cultural work teams have been guided by the trainers through the conception, the shooting and the editing of radio and TV products ready to be broadcast. The French and Arabic TV reportages, focused on the history, the languages, the environment, the economy, the legends and the heroes…

Bucharest, 16-18 May 2008

“Media and new intercultural challenges: Mediterranean without frontiers” 

The 14th General Assembly of COPEAM was held on the 18th May 2008 in Bucharest, in the framework of its15th annual Conference.

Elections for the partial renewal of the Steering Committee and of the Secretary General: The General Assembly has elected the following organisations to the Steering Committee of COPEAM: Canal France International (France), EPTV (Algeria), ERTU (Egypt), France Télévisions, HRT (Croatia), LJB (Libya), Radio Tunisienne, Radio France.

The General Assembly has elected by voice vote Mrs. Alessandra PARADISI Secretary General of COPEAM….


In the framework of the 27th ordinary session of ASBU General Assembly, the Tripartite meeting
ASBU/UER/ COPEAM took place. During the meeting, the common initiatives the three organizations carry out in different fields have been discussed: in particular, training (the master class
addressed to the news coordinators; the 3rd edition of the seminar on“TV formatswriting and production”, organized in Damascus atASBUTraining Center; the 4th edition of COPEAM University); news exchange (ERN MED); radio (“Portraits of Legendary Footballers”) and TV co-productions (“Inter-Rives”) aboutwhichM.SlaheddineMaaoui, DG of ASBU, expressed his satisfaction and pointed out the importance of its broadcasting,…


In the framework of the 27th ordinary session of ASBU General Assembly, the Tripartite meeting
ASBU/UER/ COPEAM took place. During the meeting, the common initiatives the three organizations carry out in different fields have been discussed: in particular, training (the master class
addressed to the news coordinators; the 3rd edition of the seminar on“TV formatswriting and production”, organized in Damascus atASBUTraining Center; the 4th edition of COPEAM University); news exchange (ERN MED); radio (“Portraits of Legendary Footballers”) and TV co-productions (“Inter-Rives”) aboutwhichM.SlaheddineMaaoui, DG of ASBU, expressed his satisfaction and pointed out the importance of its broadcasting,…