14 Conference and 13 General Assembly

Dead Sea,  20- 22 April 2007

« Mediterranean : another way of communicating »

Organised thanks to the hospitality of JRTV – Jordan Radio and Television, in the suggestive setting of the Dead Sea, the XIV Conference of COPEAM has seen the Mediterranean audiovisual product as the actual protagonist of this rendezvous.

At the core of the three-day event, new languages and new visions: starting from the fourth “Inter-Rives” workshop (19th April) – where the production of the documentaries dealing with “Trends of contemporary art” and “Women” has been finalized and a pilot series ready to be broadcast has…

The first Regional Conference of EUROMED Audiovisual II Programme, financed by the European Commission, took place on 10th and 11th February 2007 in Berlin, in the framework of the Berlin International Film Festival.

A preliminary workshop, held on 8th and 9th February, was devoted to the “Fight against piracy” and gathered important authorities of the audiovisual sector from both MEDA countries and Europe. The Conference, held in the two following days, was focused on the results achieved by the 12 projects financed by the Programme one year after their beginning, on market and financial strategies as…

The first Regional Conference of EUROMED Audiovisual II Programme, financed by the European Commission, took place on 10th and 11th February 2007 in Berlin, in the framework of the Berlin International Film Festival.

A preliminary workshop, held on 8th and 9th February, was devoted to the “Fight against piracy” and gathered important authorities of the audiovisual sector from both MEDA countries and Europe. The Conference, held in the two following days, was focused on the results achieved by the 12 projects financed by the Programme one year after their beginning, on market and financial strategies as…

In the perspective to create a Euro-Mediterranean channel, COPEAM intends to engage itself more in broadcasting and circulating of audiovisual products produced by its members.
This action is the real strength of its network. This is the reason why COPEAM, since last summer, has started a collaboration with Sat2000, Italian channel by satellite, in order to promote COPEAM’s activities. This cooperation enabled to produce two small formats “The Mediterranean summer” (2 weeks for 2 months-July/August- devoted to the first two editions of COPEAM ‘s University); and “One thousand and one Mediterranean”, weekly rendez-vous, on air from 24th October…


The ASBU/COPEAM/EBU Tripartite meeting took place in Tunis on 16th December 2006, within the framework of the 26th General Assembly of ASBU.
The meeting began under the presidency of Mr. Habib Chawki Hamraoui, reelected President of ASBU for a new 2-year mandate.
All the participants have demonstrated their sincerest thanks to Mr Abdelhafid Harguem – who ended his mandate as Director General – for his involvement and his energy which contributed to the success of many common initiatives.
Mr. Slaheddine Maaoui, elected as Director General of ASBU, has been warmly welcomed by the
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The ASBU/COPEAM/EBU Tripartite meeting took place in Tunis on 16th December 2006, within the framework of the 26th General Assembly of ASBU.
The meeting began under the presidency of Mr. Habib Chawki Hamraoui, reelected President of ASBU for a new 2-year mandate.
All the participants have demonstrated their sincerest thanks to Mr Abdelhafid Harguem – who ended his mandate as Director General – for his involvement and his energy which contributed to the success of many common initiatives.
Mr. Slaheddine Maaoui, elected as Director General of ASBU, has been warmly welcomed by the
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COPEAM has been invited to participate in a European Conference organised in Helsinki (Finland),
on 4th and 5th December, by the Finnish E.U. Presidency and the European Commission (DG
Communication): “EUROpe in VISION – Towards a European Public Sphere: EU, the Media and the New Technologies”. The Secretary General took part as panellist in one of the four main workshops (“New broadcasters, new audience?”) introducing to the E.C. a “threelevel communication strategy” proposal (divulgation, information, institutional).
The main objective of this meeting was to find out how the debate on Europe can be enhanced…

COPEAM has been invited to participate in a European Conference organised in Helsinki (Finland),
on 4th and 5th December, by the Finnish E.U. Presidency and the European Commission (DG
Communication): “EUROpe in VISION – Towards a European Public Sphere: EU, the Media and the New Technologies”. The Secretary General took part as panellist in one of the four main workshops (“New broadcasters, new audience?”) introducing to the E.C. a “threelevel communication strategy” proposal (divulgation, information, institutional).
The main objective of this meeting was to find out how the debate on Europe can be enhanced…

COPEAM took part in the first Conference of the Atelier Culturel Europe – Mediterranean – Gulf
“Dialogue of Peoples and Cultures”, held in Paris (Palais de l’Elysée) from 13th to 15th of September and opened by Mr. Jacques CHIRAC, President of the French Republic.
The meeting has been organised by the French Foreign Affairs Minister and the EUROMED NGOs’
Platform, in cooperation with the Anna Lindh Foundation.
The non-governmental character of this Atelier starts from the assumption that the civil societies are the key-factors of the social, cultural and political development of…