News Exchange Commission

The News Exchange Commission builds its activity around the Mediterranean regional exchange ERN-Med, which was created in 2002 from the need – born within COPEAM news exchange commission – to enhance intercultural knowledge between the Northern and Southern shores of the Mediterranean. 

Managed by the EBU-Eurovision central desk in Geneva and coordinated by the Algerian national broadcaster EPTV, the ERN-Med allows its public TV members to mutually draw on a varied Euro-Mediterranean agenda, as well as to offer a diversified number of news of regional interest dealing with cultural events – festivals, religious feasts, traditional celebrations, international conferences, etc.


Following the latest activities on Gender-sensitive Indicators for Media and the participation in the Global Forum on Media and Gender, COPEAM renew its support to UNESCO Women Make the News (WMN) initiative. On the occasion of the International Women’s Day (IWD) on the March 8, UNESCO joins forces with international and regional partners to launch this annual global campaign. The theme this year is “Advancing Global Partnerships to Achieving Gender Equality in and through Media.” The WMN 2014 theme is connected the groundbreaking Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG) which was launched during the first Global Forum on Media…

Following the latest activities on Gender-sensitive Indicators for Media and the participation in the Global Forum on Media and Gender, COPEAM renew its support to UNESCO Women Make the News (WMN) initiative.


The activities of the Magazines and News Exchange Commission are built upon the Regional Mediterranean News Exchange ERN-Med, a project developed within this Commission and set up thanks to the technical support of the exchange network of EBU and ASBU. ENTV (Algeria) assures the ERN-Med coordination. The Commission works for the geographical and editorial development of ERN-Med and promotes the exchange of programmes between all the Mediterranean TVs. The Commission favours an effective use of the subjects exchanged within the TVs participating. Beyond the employment of subjects for the usual programmes, the Commission encourages the different editorial staffs to conceive…

On the occasion of International Women’s Day (IWD), 8 March, UNESCO join forces with international and regional partners to launch the annual Women Make the News (WMN) initiative under the theme, “Towards a Global Alliance on Media and Gender”. Please click on this link to learn more about how you can participate, Launched annually on the occasion of the International Women’s Day (8 March), Women Make the News is a global initiative aimed at fixing global attention on an issue relating to gender equality in and through the media, driving debate and encouraging action-oriented solutions until global objectives…

In October 2012, a new version of the radio magazine Mediterradio was launched through the intermediary of COPEAM. Relying on a new and ambitious partnership between RAI and Radio France, Mediterradio devolved in a weekly news programme devoted to the Western islands of the Mediterranean Sea: Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily. The originality of this programme was made possible thanks to the audacious use of the languages based on the inter-comprehension of Corse and Italian.Produced and actuated by France Bleu RCFM along with the Sardinian and Sicilian stations of Radio Rai Mediterradio is intended to deal with current affairs and to create relations between…

Venice, 25 November 2011

The 2011 edition of VINC, the annual all-news channels meeting organized by COPEAM, Rai-News and Rai Venezia, in collaboration with Eutelsat, was held in Venice (Palazzo Labia), on the 25th November 2011.

This edition was focused on the topic “The 21st century challenges: Black Gold, Blue Gold…White Gold”: a growing number of news operators, distribution platforms and content providers are shaping the new-century global media landscape. In this complex and changing environment, information is a more and more strategic asset, a new kind of “gold” moving both economic and…