World Radio Day 2017: RADIO IS YOU

The 2017 edition of the World Radio Day was announced. As a member of the organizing committee, COPEAM joins UNESCO in inviting all member radios to take part, next 13 February, to this global event and to celebrate radio and its impact on our lives.

In fact, radio remains the most dynamic, reactive and engaging medium. It informs and accompany us in our daily life, through news, entertainment or interaction with the audience.

Thus, the 2017 topic will focus on the participation and engagement of the public, on the different tools available to make…

Beirut, 17-22 October 2016

At its third edition, the Fashion Week took place at Beirut Forum from 17 to 22 October 2016, under the aegis of the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism.

COPEAM was invited to take part in this major event thanks to TéléLiban, official partner of the Fashion Week, together with the representatives of several media from the Euromed region, among which some members and partners of the network such as France Télévisions/FR2, TV5 Monde, AnsaMed.

The event – made of fashion shows and showrooms – was particularly aimed at…

Marseille, 17 June 2016

Aside a series of events devoted to the media in the Mediterranean – debates, workshops, conferences, seminars, shows – the Villa Méditerranée/AViTeM organised last June 16 and 17 in Marseille, gathering audiovisual and press journalists, experts, artists, associations and institutions from the whole region, COPEAM, in collaboration with the EU-funded MedMedia project,  held a roundtable and a professional meeting devoted to journalism training in the southern shore of the Mediterranean basin.

The public roundtable “Training journalists in the Mediterranean” was focused on the stakes related to journalists’ education and training…

Which future for the young people of the Mediterranean? The contribution of the media

7-9 April 2016 – Palais des Congrès – Ajaccio 

Hosted by the Collectivité Territoriale de Corse (Corsica Region)

The events that have been shaking the Region in the recent years on both shores have caused a strong deception among the youngsters, the former to get involved in those social movements. Their hopes in the future are weak, often confronted to political, economic and social dynamics that they perceive as prevaricating and far-off. Our challenge is to give back confidence in…

Geneva, 7-10 December 2015

From 7 to 10 December 2015, COPEAM took part in two main events on gender and media organised at Palais des Nations in Geneva.

The first one was the “International development cooperation meeting on gender and media”, organized by UNESCO in cooperation with the Government of Greece, GAMAG (Global Alliance on Media And gender), ITU, UN Women, OHCHR and other UN organizations.

The event was followed by the first General Assembly of GAMAG. Launched in Bangkok two years ago, the Alliance gathered, in its first Assembly, stakeholders and members from…

Radio Commission meeting

Marseille, 23-24 October 2015

Last 23 and 24 October at the Villa Méditerranée of Marseille, COPEAM organized a meeting of its Radio Commission. This was the occasion to gather the representatives of the member radios to discuss about the ongoing activities and to fix the priorities for the forthcoming steps in the Euro-Mediterranean radio cooperation field.

The participants made also an assessment of the weekly magazines coproduced under the aegis of COPEAM: Kantara, Mediterradio and MusicaMed.

This meeting took place in the framework of the Médi-Médias event: The Mediterranean of the media, organized by…

In the framework of COPEAM annual Conference in Malta (26-28 March 2015) – focused on the theme “The Mediterranean and the exodus of populations: the role of the media” – COPEAM and all its members attending the event unanimously adopted a resolution aimed at mobilizing the media, notably the public service ones, around principles and concrete proposals, such as the realization of a TV and radio institutional promo so as to raise public awareness at a regional level on the phenomena related to refugees.

Building on this resolution and with a view to the World Refugee Day…

The Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG)was created on the occasion of the UNESCO Global Forum on Media and Gender, held in Bangkok from 2 to 4 December 2013 with the aim of achieving gender equality in media systems, both at structures and contents levels.
The GAMAG brings together over 500 organisations and networks concerned with gender equality in and through the media across the globe. COPEAM has been elected as a member of the International Steering Committee (ISC) of the Alliance which met for the first time in Geneva, on 6 November 2014. As member of this Committee, COPEAM took part to this…